We are the Voice of Ophthalmology in Virginia
YOU ARE the voice of VSEPS. Join your community of colleagues for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration. Your colleagues understand the challenges you face. Enjoy the camaraderie as we work together for solutions. Led by physicians for physicians. Officers you elect volunteer their time in service to you and your profession. Your involvement is critical. Members are encouraged to attend our quarterly board meetings. Run for office. Serve on the board. Join a committee. Join for mentoring and professional development opportunities. Make crucial connections. Be an influencer. Share your experiences, brainstorm solutions. Together, we can stand together as a profession to meet the forces that impact medicine today.
VSEPS is YOUR voice in the General Assembly and state regulatory agencies. Reimbursement, regulation, and restriction of care issues remain a constant fight. We are committed to representing you as a doctor and a business owner. We build relationships with patients, hospitals, medical institutions, and governmental agencies. Our Health Plan Relations Committee represents eye care in the myriad of insurance issues. VSEPS serves as an informational resource for the media and the community. As your liaison with the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Medical Society of Virginia, and other medical organizations, we are your collective voice in the development of policy and programs with the medical community. VSEPS members proudly serve as patient advocates, working tirelessly to protect patient safety and removing the barriers to the public’s direct access to safe, affordable, high quality vision preservation and care
Our website, vaeyemd.org, provides 24-hour access to helpful information and resources. Content is peer reviewed, for members, by the members. E-newsletters provide timely information on economic, legislative, and practical issues pertaining to medical eye care. We educate ophthalmologists and their staffs on recent developments in medical coding, reimbursement, and compliance, and practice and risk management. Our Annual Scientific Meeting offers continuing medical education for ophthalmologists and provides opportunities for members to share research. The Virginia Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons Education Fund is a charitable foundation that supports research, scholarship, continuing medical education, and professional development for residents, ophthalmologists, and their staff members.