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Eye Education

Your eyes are the window to the world.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology is your source for the latest information on protecting your eyes. A healthy lifestyle, education, and regular prevention and care go a long way. Steps you take now can help you make the most of your eyesight.

The American Academy's EyeSmart website provides ophthalmologist-reviewed information about eye diseases and treatments, eye health news, and tips for a lifetime of good eye health.

Respect your eyesight. There are simple, easy-to-implement tips from nutrition to ways to prevent eye strain from computer use to selecting and wearing protective eyewear for home, work, and recreation

Find out when you should see an ophthalmologist and how to select an ophthalmologist in your area. Educate yourself, your family, and your friends about the sight-saving steps you can take. Act now! Get EyeSmart!

The American Academy of Ophthalmology offers excellent resources to learn about eye health and safety. Be EyeSmart!
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