2022 Meeting Highlights
Dive into Our 2022 Conference! Diversity ~ Inclusion ~ Vision ~ Education
The VSEPS Education Fund hosted this conference in June at the Williamsburg Lodge. Session highlights included a MIGs Lab and subspecialty sessions including the Elbyrne G. Gill Memorial Lecture given by Mark A. Rolain, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Oakland University/William Beaumont School of Medicine; Director of Refractive Surgery/Co-Director Ant Segment Surgery- William Beaumont Eye Institute; Founder -- University Eye Care, PC, Royal Oak, MI. Other highlights included
- Novel Technology to Manage Diabetes, presented by Aaron B. Nelson, MD, CCD Assistant Professor of Medicine at the EVMS Center for Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Norfolk, VA
- Mentoring, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Resident Education, presented by Jessica Randolph, MD, Assistant professor, Ophthalmology, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, VA
- In the Looking Glass – Envisioning the Ophthalmologist of the Future, presented by Courtney Bovee, MD, Glaucoma Surgeon, Newsome Eye, Tampa, FL
- Practice Models for Innovative Care Delivery, Private Equity vs Management Services Organization vs Solo Practice, panel discussion featuring Benjamin Nicholas, MD, Ophthalmology Resident, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; Alan Wagner, MD, FACS, FICS, AME – AAO Councilor, Virginia Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons, Virginia Beach, VA; James M. Daniel, Jr., JD, MBA – Partner, Hancock, Daniel and Johnson, PC, Richmond, VA
Suzanne Everhart, DO was recognized with the President’s Award for her service as past VSEPS president and her efforts in promoting patient advocacy and safety. B. Christian Carter, MD was recognized for his membership recruitment and retention efforts.
At our annual conferences, VSEPS showcases and recognizes outstanding medical residency education and scholarship. Kyle Vinson, MD, Resident, University of Virginia, won Thomas Frey Award for Outstanding Resident Oral Presentation. Dr. Vinson presented on the Effects of Teprotumumab on Patients with Long-Standing, Active Thyroid Eye Disease. Patrick Wu, MD, Resident, Eastern Virginia Medical School, won first place, People’s Choice Resident Poster Award. Steven Keffer, MD, Resident, University of Virginia, won second place, People’s Choice Resident Poster Award.
2023 Annual Educational Conference
Planning is underway for our 2023 Annual Educational Conference. Please stay tuned for additional updates. To assist with our 2023 annual conference, please contact Christine Cannaday