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Election Day 2023

Election Day is Just Around the Corner - Prepare Now

The 2023 General Assembly session is over. It’s time to prepare for Election Day. All 140 seats of the General Assembly are up for election/reelection. Significant turnover in next year’s state legislature will result from redistricting and retirements. Departing senators include John Bell, John Cosgrove, John Edwards, Janet Howell, Lynwood Lewis, Steve Newman, Tommy Norment, Dick Saslaw and Jill Vogel. Delegates not seeking reelection include Dawn Adams, Tim Anderson, John Avoli, Rob Bell, Jeff Bourne, Kathy Byron, John Edmonds, Eileen Filler-Corn, Wendy Gooditis, Mike Mullin, Kathleen Murphy, Ken Plum, Margaret Ransone and Roxanne Robinson. Delegate Lamont Bagby will be taking McClellan’s state senate seat as she succeeds Donald McEachin in Congress. Since this year’s campaigns will occur in newly drawn legislative districts, there are many significant primary races already underway. Expect new representation and leadership in next year’s legislature.

Our PAC Campaign will start soon. Please donate to EYEPAC. Your donations help get us seats at the public policy decision-making table. We also need doctors to attend legislative receptions, educate legislative candidates about patient safety and healthcare policy and business concerns. Consider volunteering your time to a legislative candidate you support this campaign season. For more information on how you can get involved, please contact us.

Tax Information: EyePAC is the political action committee for ophthalmology in Virginia. Your donation to EyePAC provides necessary resources to support legislative candidates who support ophthalmology and medicine in general. Political donations are reportable and are not tax-deductible.

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